

is essential if people are going to communicate effectively. In my communications, if I am very sure or if I have doubts I will tell you. The human mind-body system is the most advanced piece of bio-technology we know of. Not to listen and make use of it when communicating ensures a lack of satisfaction and effectiveness in professional relationships.


is about displaying the behaviours and using language appropriate to your values and beliefs and to those of your professional organizations. As a Chartered Psychologist, Accredited Coach, Registered Psychotherapist, and an Accredited NLP Trainer, Bruce represents many differing professional organizations, all of which have the highest professional standards.

Responsiveness and Effective Communication

is a key to any professional relationship. If you contact Achieving Lives Ltd for any reason you will receive a reply that makes sense to you within 24 hours.

Client Focus

is essential to ensure quality delivery. When you work with Achieving Lives you will be assured of Bruce's total attention. This is achieved quite simply by monitoring work load and actively ensuring only work that can be delivered to the standards on this page is undertaken.


is what needs to be displayed to win the hearts and minds of employees in organizations. In Increasingly competitive times companies of all sizes recognize they can no longer effectively compete when they recruit and employ only half a person. To win the heart as well as the mind, senior managers increasingly need to demonstrate a transparency, which is not indicative of naivety but rather strength and commitment, capability and self-belief.


describes the flow state made famous by the psychologist Mihaly Csikzentmihalya. Rather than being overly emotional or willing your self up by your bootstraps it is about being in a state where you just flow and operate perfectly, knowing you are doing the right thing at the right time and with perfect ease. During this state your mind body system is perfectly aligned and the internal psychological processes are all pulling together in harmony.

Being Progressive

is about knowing and being able to use the most up to date techniques within your profession and passing these benefits on to your customers. In fast moving environments these are being constantly updated and refined. As a member of many highly regarded professional organizations Bruce is required to demonstrate ongoing professional development. When you work with him you can be assured of the most up to date and highly informed coaching and consultancy.

Please feel free to click here to arrange a free Zoom session with Bruce to discuss any work you would like to do »

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